Hello! The KAGAMI staff have some announcements for you! KAGAMI 2017 ~ The Godless Night ~ closed at midnight on September 10th. In...

KAGAMI after party!
Hi everyone! I'm taiko, a staff memeber of KAGAMI. Did you enjoy our game? I hope you'll find all of the endings since there's lots of...
We have open!
Hello! I'm taiko, a KAGAMI staff member. We are really sorry to have kept you waiting due to the change of the game schedule, but last...

We will delay
ごきげんよう。KAGAMIスタッフたいこです。 本日はとてもごめんなさいなお知らせがあります。 当初29日からオープンと告知していたゲームですが、8月12日オープンに変更になります。 楽しみにしている皆様、大変申し訳ありません。...

SIM Landscape has done!<3
Hello! We finished Landscape of The Godless Night's stage! These are shrine area. Nanko made these great landscape!! we made more...
The SIM has come!
※日本語は下! Good morning, hello, and good evening! I'm Taiko, a staff member for KAGAMI. Sorry for not being able to update this blog for a...

KAGAMI Poster!
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hi everyone! Are you enjoying your SL life?? I'm sorry for not being able to update the blog post much earlier, but...
Designer and Blogger
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hi all! How are you enjoying your SL life? Well, now let me report our progress to you! In early February, we sent...

Project KAGAMI
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hi all! It's that time again. Yes, preparation has begun for the Japanese Summer Horror Event! We still have 6 months...