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Get the Experience Key

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This year we are using the SL experience system.
When you attach the TGN HUD, you will get a dialog pop-up that asks you to get the experience key.
Press the "Yes" button.
Once you get the experience key, it will be effective until you decide to delete it.
This means, if you accept the experience key the first time you attach the TGN HUD, you won't have to see the dialog pop-up again.
(Even if you get a new HUD, it will show no dialog.)

HUD Usage

(1) INVENTORY - List of what you currently have.
(2) MEMO - List of the information that you wrote down, with the option to reread.
(3) MOVIE - List of all the movies that you collected until now, with the option to replay.
(4) MAP - Shows where the 12 Hokoras are.
(5) OFUDAS - (After 2nd round) You can skip the run-away game with this ofuda.
(6) POINTS - (After 2nd round) You can exchange these points for an ofuda.


Collect all 3 sacred treasures, while running away from the evil spirits.

You can talk to the people around the center of the festival and those who are in the shrine.
They have many information, and give you different info depending on when you speak to them - 2nd Day, 3rd Day, 1st round, and 2nd round.
Any important info will be recorded in the MEMO, so you can reread it later.

Text Window

Sometimes you see buttons on the text window.
Due to the SL system, you have to select the HUD window, then click one of the buttons to participate in the game story.
So, you might feel you are clicking the button twice in order to make it work.

Run Away Game System

During the game, you will meet evil spirits.
If they find you, you will get instructions on how to escape.
If you succeed in escaping, you can return to the real world.
If you fail, you will be sent to the shrine to restart the game.
For more details, please see the tutorial video!

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2017 Project KAGAMI

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