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We have open!

Hello! I'm taiko, a KAGAMI staff member. We are really sorry to have kept you waiting due to the change of the game schedule, but last night at 4 AM SLT, we finally opened our game to the public! Planning for this game had already started before last summer, and it is brought by masaomi Ragu from W-ZERO, who joined us for the first time this year. He considered using this plan for another PC game and we modified it so that it can be introduced into SL. Since we wanted to add each and every thing we could think of, this year our game became an amazingly large scale project. We are excited for you to experience the random encountering system while you are walking.

And... this is one reason why this year we have a script limit of 1,000kb per person and a limit of 30 avatars are allowed on the sim at the same time. We know this is a very strict limit but our scripter says that the game HUD has an extremely heavy load this year. We ask you for your cooperation so that everyone can play comfortably. Also, we ask that you get the free "check-your-media-settings" tool from the marketplace before coming. Please use it to prepare for the game. :) This year, the "auto play media" setting must be on, since media is used to show the game scenario text. Some people might not be able to watch our videos even when they use the correct media settings. If this happens and are using a third party viewer, please try the official SL viewer. Also, some of the videos may not be streamed properly. If you have any issues, refer to the video URL on your local chat. These problems are caused by SL and Youtube's systems. We cannot fix them. Thank you for understanding. Also this year, if you don't understand what to do next, you can join the players' group to receive hints! secondlife:///app/group/c933fa34-57bb-a2a1-d760-51fc71b5e4e2/about Please copy the link, and paste it in local chat to find the group in SL. If your HUD gets stuck, please refer to the play guide of this official site. You can visit this page by clicking the big circle icon on the HUD. Every year before releasing our game, we go through a lot of long and exhausting days, but we do enjoy the excitement right before the game opens, and happiness after the game opens! We hope you all enjoy a cool summer playing this game. You can play the game for about a month. Please visit and have a good time at KAGAMI <3



 今年のゲームの企画は、実はすでに去年の夏前から候補に上がっていたもので、今回初めてスタッフにお招きした、W-zeroのmasaomi Raguさんのものでした。 もともとPCゲーム用に書かれていたというその企画を、SLで再現出来るように修正したものです。














2017 Project KAGAMI

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