
■NPC Stops Talking.
□In rare cases, you might see the previous sentence shown when you click the NPC. You can click "Next" button to go forward. If you're not able to see the "Next" button, please right click the NPC and select "touch" from the pie menu.
If the issue is still not resolved after doing this, please reattach the HUD and wait until the HUD loads the media.
■The video keeps playing even after I moved to the next location.
□Sometimes this happens. Please move the cursor to the media "Play" button at the viewer top right corner of your viewer. Check the playlist and click the magnifying glass icon to search. Select the video and click the "Stop" button.

■The HUD does not play one of the videos properly.
□他の動画は見ることができるのに一部の動画が正常に再生されない場合は現在再生されている動画のURLがチャット欄に通知されておりますのでお手数ですがそちらから動画を再生してください。動画を見終わりましたら通常通りHUDに表示されているMOVIE ENDボタンを押してください。
全ての動画が再生されない場合、メディア設定などの確認が必要です。エントランスに設置してあります設定方法やWEBサイトのGAME GUIDEのBEFORE PLAYを参照して設定を行ってください。
□There is a chance that you cannot watch some videos, while the other videos are played properly. In this case, please refer to the URL at the local chat. If you finish watching the video, press the MOVIE END button on the HUD.
If you cannot watch any videos, you must check your media settings. Please follow the instructions at the entrance, or on the website's GAME GUIDE>BEFORE PLAY page.
■I cannot end the conversation because the "Next" button disappeared!
□If your "Next" button disappears, try using a long click where "Next" button was located. If this doesn't work, please refer to "The NPC Stops Talking."