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Our Quest for Original Sound Effects


Hello, I'm taiko, a staff member of KAGAMI event. I'm going talk about the sound effect, which is necessary for a horror event and a haunted house. When we are to scare people, sound effects become one of the very important technique. The sound itself does not have to be scary. But we should use some sounds to set the mood. But, each time I hold this kind of horror event, I visit each website which offers free sound effects, so there is no such site that I’ve not visited yet now. I suggested staff members if we get original sound effects somehow. That time, I remembered I help a theatrical group that gathered again two years ago. I asked them to take scary voices by any chance. Then, they willingly agreed to help us! Although we could not make a concrete order, they tried their best to understand what we wanted and recorded such voices, especially thanks to the producer, Mr. Ando. And now we received a lot of horrible sound effects!

In order to record their voices, first I explained the outline and points of this event to let the actors get some images. Then, we adjusted our schedules for one-time lesson and direction. Finally, the recording day came. It’s been a while (maybe about 20 years!) since I attended a lesson in which someone was directing a play. That made me very happy but also realize I won’t be able to do it even though I have tried before. I’m a scenario writer. That’s fine with me. Three actors helped us, who gave voices in many ways. And again, we could get a number of voice materials. We really appreciate their great work! You’ll hear many of these sounds in this game. They will scare you at right time at right scene. Please look forward to it too! The theatrical group’s name is Giggle Channel. It’s a group for adults which basically operates in Tokyo, and posts their old performances and small movies on their Youtube channel. They are planning to do something fun from this spring there, so please take a look when you have time!

project KAGAMI

STAFF taiko McCaw



ホラーイベントやお化け屋敷に欠かせない、音の演出についてのお話。 やっぱり音ってとても大切だと思うんですよね。怖い演出には。 怖くなくてもよかった。とにかく何かを盛り上げるのに、必要不可欠なものです。







こちらの音源は、ゲーム中のあちこちに使われることになります。 きっと素敵に恐怖を演出してくれることと思います。ぜひ楽しみにしていてくださいね。 劇団Giggle Channelは、東京都練馬区あたりで活動している社会人劇団です。が、 過去公演やちょっとした作品などをYoutubeで公開しています。 この春からもYoutubeでなにか楽しいことをする予定があるそうなので、興味のある方はぜひ、覗いてみてくださいね。

project KAGAMI

STAFF taiko McCaw




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