2021.3.5 Blog
KAGAMI is back after 4 years!
KAGAMI is a Japanese horror event, whose first round was held in 2014 Summer.
We take pride in having been a pioneer of an interactive game in SecondLife, by organizing KAGAMI (2014), Rin-ne (ORIGAMI, 2015), UBUME (ORIGAMI, 2016), and The Godless Night (KAGAMI, 2017). After a 4 years' hiatus, now is the time for us to hold the game again!
This round is a sequel of the previous game, "The Godless Night". Whether or not you played it last time, we will work on this round enthusiastically in order to deliver the best experience in SL to you all. We hope you don't miss it!

Q1 Can I get a prize when I clear the game? (Q1ゲームのクリア報酬はありますか?)A1 No, there is no prize for this game. Please enjoy the story and game experience! A1 ありません。ゲームプレイをお楽しみください。
Q2 Can I apply for the KAGAMI mall? (Q2 KAGAMIのモールへ私も参加できますか?)A2 No, KAGAMI mall is just for the stores invited. A2 申し訳ありませんが、KAGAMIは招待制となっております。
Q3 I took a picture at the KAGAMI event! (Q3 KAGAMIでSSを撮影しました。)A3 Thank you so much, we'd like to see it! Please post your photos on our event Flickr group :) https://www.flickr.com/groups/kagami_secondlife/ A3 ありがとうございます!KAGAMIはフリッカーグループを持っています。 是非そちらに投稿してくださいね。 https://www.flickr.com/groups/kagami_secondlife/